Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What construction is happening at Bank of America's HQ?

People walking and driving by Bank of America's headquarter's at Trade and Tryon streets recently might have noticed the construction crews outside the building and thought, "I wonder what's going on there?"

We asked the bank to explain.

Spokeswoman Jennifer Darwin told us that workers are replacing pavers and waterproofing materials outside the building's entrances.

"We're doing some required maintenance," she said. "The building has been here for about 25 years."

Don't expect the project to result in any big changes to the appearance of the area around the building.

"It will look very similar to what it looks like today, if not exactly the same," Darwin said.

The project, which started in September, is expected to be finished by April. The work is being done in phases, to block only one entrance at a time.

Charlotte-based construction company Rodgers is the contractor.

 Photo by Rick Rothacker


Anonymous said...

Hoffa was buried there, but now that the DOJ's been snooping around...

Anonymous said...

Building a fortress to keep the Department of Justice from coming in and seizing documents, emails, money and evidence of what the bank has been up to when they conspired with the other big banks to bring about the financial meltdown. Moynihan and his real power reside in Boston not Charlotte. Charlotte is just a small player in the real power seat.

Anonymous said...

Anyone ever notice that there is never any evidence that those pavers need maintenance! I have seen this occur over and over in downtown. Rodgers is making a mint on this, so called maintenance. Someone in the media should report on the frequency of this maintenance going on, they evaluate the life cycle of those pavers! Either they are using sub par materials, the installation is poor or the businesses paying for this is getting a bad deal. Too much replacement or fixes going on regarding these projects.