Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bank of America intern died of epilepsy

The Bank of America investment banking intern in London who died after pulling several all-nighters was killed by epilepsy, a British examiner found, according to Bloomberg. The August death of 21-year-old Moritz Erhardt had prompted the Charlotte bank to put together a working group to examine working conditions for interns and junior employees. It also sparked worldwide conversation on the at-times unhealthy lifestyle of an investment banker.

PLEXUS INVESTS IN CHARLOTTE COMPANY: The mezzanine finance company said Monday it's putting $9.5 million of subordinated debt in Charlotte litigation support firm Huseby Inc. to fund its acquisition plan. The company puts together transcripts and court reports for businesses, law firms and government agencies.

WELLS WANTS TO START ISSUING PRIVATE MORTGAGE BONDS AGAIN: But first, executives want to have more clarity on what regulations will look like, Housing Wire reports. The bank had been one of the country's largets players in that market before the financial crisis.

MERRILL LYNCH NAMED 'MOST INNOVATIVE': The Banker magazine picked the Bank of America subsidiary as the most innovative investment bank this year.

PREPARE FOR COMPUTER SYSTEM SWITCHES: Windows XP is beloved by corporate IT companies the world over. But Microsoft is ending its support for the operating system next year, and federal financial industry regulators came out with a warning about it Monday.

****This is a preview of The Charlotte Observer's Bank Watch Morning Report, bringing you banking news from the region, the top financial headlines, and the news driving activity in the Charlotte market.****

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