Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wake Forest students pick Warren Buffett's brain

For many college students majoring in business, the name Warren Buffett probably comes up in the course of their studies.

But few business students get the chance a handful attending Wake Forest University did Monday, when they were picked to ask the prominent investor a question during a live segment on Fox Business Network.

Fox allowed master of business administration students to pick the brain of Buffett, who was in a Fox studio, while the students were filmed as they questioned him from what appeared on television to be their classrooms. Students at New York's Columbia Business School also participated.

Alex Sturges, a student at Winston-Salem-based Wake Forest, asked Buffett, 82, what keeps him "coming to the office every day" after already achieving as much as he has.

"I am doing what I love the most in life," Buffett said.

Buffett added that he advises students "to try and find the job they would have if they were independently rich. And I've found that job.

"I could be doing all kinds of other things, but I would so much rather be coming to the office every day than sitting on a yacht."